How to Write SEO-Friendly Post In 2022?

Hello friends, welcome to all of you in today's post, friends, today we will know in this post How to write SEO Friendly Post, so lets friends know How SEO-friendly post is written and every blogger should write Posts related to SEO.

So guys, in today's content, we will all know about SEO in detail, friends, if you people have a little knowledge about what this SEO is, then it is a very good thing for you.

How to write a post related to SEO which comes on the first rank in Google's search result, before that I would like to tell one thing to all of you no matter how many unique posts you write, but if you do not use keywords related to SEO in it. So your written post will not come on the first rank in Google's search result, so you have to first pay attention to the SEO of your post which is very important for every blogger.

how to write SEO friendly post
How to Write SEO- Friendly Post In 2022?

Friends, if you write your post well and do a lot of hard work, such as paying good attention to the heading and also working hard on the paragraph, and focusing on the content of your post in a better way. Even if your post does not come on the first rank in Google's search, then it is very bad news for a blogger.

So friends, to convert this bad news into good news, you have to write SEO Friendly posts, so that your posts will start appearing on the first rank in Google's search, due to which a lot of traffic will start coming to your website and then you will get good from your website every month. You can earn a lot and, always keep one thing in mind that bringing a lot of traffic to your website is not a child's play, for this, you have to work very hard.

So now this question must be going on in your mind that how to write SEO Friendly posts actually, then there is no need for you people to be disappointed because in this post I am going to give you complete information about it in detail. You can write SEO Friendly posts on your website. So let's know friends how to write an SEO Friendly Post.

Know About How To Write SEO Friendly Post

Friends, to write SEO-friendly posts, first of all, you should have good knowledge about SEO, only then you can write an SEO-friendly post, then if I tell you the full form of SEO here, then its full name is Search Engine Optimization. So it simply means that if you write an SEO Friendly post, then you tell Google on which topic your post is being written, then it has a simple purpose that Optimizes your content for search engines.

Friends and you also have many benefits of writing posts related to this SEO, such as more and more traffic will come to your website and the blog post written by you will start coming on the first rank in Google's search, which will lead to a good number of visitors to your site. Will start coming and the rank of your website will also increase and friends one and the most beneficial thing is that your earning will also increase a lot.

So friends, now here comes the thing that how do we or you write SEO Friendly posts that should open or come on the first page in Google's search, then friends, I am telling all of you below some of the best ways by which you follow. If you can write a post related to SEO, then let my dear friends know about the best ways by which you can write an SEO Friendly post.

1. Research the Keyword

2. Put the keyword in the main title of the post

3. Write a brand new and unique post

4. Use Outbound Link

5. Use Heading and Sub Heading

6. Focus on Paragraph

7. Write Meta Description in post

8. Write a Long post

9. Use Image

10. Use Keyword in the first paragraph of the post

So, my dear friends, I have told you the best ways to write SEO Friendly posts here, by following which you can easily write an SEO-related post, so come my dear readers, let us understand these methods in detail below.

Friends, this is not big rocket science, just it is used for refresh and sentence, which is used to search in Google. like I wrote a post and its main title is How to become SEO Expert in 2022.

So now here comes the next step, which keyword should we use for our blog post which is better for our post, then I am going to talk about it in detail too, so my dear friends, you will get a better one.

1. Research Keyword

Friends, if you want to bring your post to the first rank in the search result of Google, then first of all you have to find a good keyword for your post, which is a little difficult but it is not that difficult that you can not find it. , then you can easily search for keywords for your blog posts.

To do keyword research, you have to use Google Tools, which is a completely free tool from Google, whose name is Google Keyword Planner, so you can go to this site of Google and search good keywords for your blog post. And yes friends, you should use such a keyword in which the competition is a little less so that your keyword starts appearing on the first page in the search result in Google.

Friends, if you do not want to take keywords for your post from here, then you can select keywords according to you and you can check the competition by visiting the site of Google Keyword Planner, then you can choose such long tail keywords. Which short tail keywords also rank better on Google, which can also benefit you a lot.

friends, another question must have started coming in your mind that now what is this long tail keyword and short tail keyword, then you do not have to worry about it too." Because I am going to explain this to you guys in detail too, so let's know my dear friends what is this Long Tail Keyword and Short Tail Keyword.

Example: - Friends, if we understand this in our simple language, then "Best app to earn money in 2021" it has become your Long Tail Keyword and if you write that "App with money" then it becomes your Short Tail Keyword. . So my good friends, you have to use most of the long tail keywords because both of your keywords come in it, so that if a person searches that information even in short, then your blog post comes on the first page in his search result.

So my dear friends, to write SEO Friendly post, first of all you have to research the keyword, only then you will be able to write a unique and searching blog post, so now friends, let's go ahead and know about the next step.

2. Put the keyword in the main title of the post

Friends, after doing Keyword Research, you have to put the keyword in the main title of your post, so my purpose is to say that whatever topic your post is on, you have to select the main title of your post accordingly.

And yes friends, all of you have to take special care of one thing, which is the title of your post, you have to keep the keyword related to that, so my request to all of you is to never make such a mistake.

If you make such a mistake that you have kept the title of your post separate and put the keyword and another, then in such a situation your post will not come in Google's search, that's why you have to take special care of this thing, friends, here you will get this thing. So you must have understood right away, so let's move on to the next topic.

3. Write SEO Friendly post completely new and unique

Friends, if you want to bring your blog to the first page in the search result, then you have to write your post completely unique and new, which is in high demand recently and one thing should always be kept in mind that no matter how much SEO you do. Use it, but if your post will not be completely unique and best quality, then your post will never come in the search list, so you have to write a unique and fresh post first, only then you can bring your post to the first page in Google's search.

So Guys, the purpose of my saying is that you always have to write quality complete content so that the reader feels that this information was really good and he thinks that after reading this post my search is over. What I needed was a better way to find it here.

4. Use Outbound Link :-

Friends, you will also have to use outbound links to write blog posts related to SEO, as all of you must have seen that if there are very big websites, then their Page Rank and Website Rank, CPC Rank are very high, so in such a situation. You can add those big sites in your post, as if you wrote a blog post titled “How to earn money from Google”, then you have to add Outbound Link on a big word like Google in this.

Meaning that you have to copy and paste the URL link of google, friends, there are many sites such as Apple, Facebook and Google etc. There are very big sites whose words you can add to your post and Google also has to say. Make sure to do it.

5. Use Heading and Sub Heading :-

Friends, if you use Heading and Sub Heading in your post, then that is also a type of SEO, so that all the visitors who come to the post written by us, it is known from Heading and Sub Heading that in fact this postWhat is actually written inside.

And you also have to remember one thing that when you use H2 and H3, then you do not have to write the keyword you have selected in it, you have to change it a little and write it like I will give you an example. I try to explain

Example: - Let's assume that I wrote a blog in which I have kept my own keyword as “Software”, then you do not have to put the same keyword in it, you can do a little exchange in it as you can write what is software.

6. Pay attention to Paragraph :-

Whenever you are writing an post you must give it on the paragraph as in your first paragraph there should be a keyword, which increases the rank of your post and is also favorable for SEO and use of keywords in the post's paragraph. It should not be much, meaning that you will not have to write again and again and your keyword should be absolutely pure and natural.

7. Write Meta Description in SEO Friendly Post in a better way :-

Friends, if you want to write an post related to SEO in Bakai, then you have to write the Meta Description of your post well, in which you have to write between 140 to 150 words about the entire Summry of your post.

And not only this, but when you are getting ready to publish the post, then once you must check the meta description of your post thoroughly because you have to use some related keywords in it, which you have added to the title of the post. In and in Heading and in Sub Heading, which tells Google about which topic your post has been written, so that if a person searches for that topic, then Google immediately puts it in front of the user.

8. Write Long post :-

Friends, to write posts related to SEO, you have to pay more attention to the length of your post, so you should always write your post long because Google recommends long posts very quickly, that means it ranks quickly, so now a question in your mind It must have arisen that why Google recommends a long post quickly, then its simple answer is that there is more information in the long postwhich is very important for a user, so Google brings the long post to the search list very quickly.

So my dear friends, you should write your post between at least 1500 to 3000 words, if you write in Hindi then and if you write in English then you have to write around 2500 to 4000 words at least. The post will rank.

9. Use Image :-

Friends, you must use image in your post because with the help of image you can generate maximum traffic on your website and blog, that is why you must use image in your post.

And friends, while selecting the image, you have to keep one thing in mind that when you select the image, you must use your title and keyword in that image and write in the description to tell what that image is about. .

10. Use Keyword in the first paragraph of SEO Friendly Post :-

Friends, you also have to pay special attention to this thing that when you write the post, then you must use keywords in the first paragraph, which proves to be very beneficial for SEO.

So friends, I told all of you here about 10 ways to write SEO Friendly post in detail above, by reading which you must have come to know that how to write a blog post related to SEO.

Friends, I hope all of you have liked the information about how to write this SEO Friendly Post and have understood how to write SEO related posts and if you still have any question or doubt related to it in your mind and mind. So you can tell us by writing in the comment box, we will try our best to answer your question so that you can write a unique and useful post.


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