What is a Blog? Complete basic information of blog

You must have heard about the blog somewhere before, so you have reached this post. But do you know what is a blog, how blogging is done, who is a blogger, and what are the types of blogs?

If you want to know the answer to all the questions asked above, then read this article completely. After reading this article completely, you will understand well about the blog and you will get the right idea of ​​blogging.

If you are thinking about blogging, then you must have all this information which we are going to give you in this article. So let's start knowing without wasting time, let's go to this article and what is a blog.

Meaning Of Blog

Whenever we do any query search on Google or any other search engine, we get to see many websites, all of which are either blogs or websites. As if you are reading this article, it is also a blog. Similarly, all the articles you read on Google to get any information are blogs.

What is a Blog? Complete basic information of blog

Before the advent of the Internet, people used to write diaries in which they used to write their thoughts, experiences, etc. After the advent of the Internet, people started sharing their thoughts, experiences, knowledge, etc. on the Internet through Blogs. So that people from all over the world can take knowledge by reading his blog. 

A blog is a website in which the blog owner writes articles regularly on the topic of his interest. There are many types of information in a blog. Which are helpful for internet users. We can define a blog as follows.

Definition of Blog

A blog is a medium through which any person can put his knowledge, experience, ideas, or his opinion in front of the world through the Internet.

Many types of questions come to our minds after hearing about the blog. Let us know the answers to all those questions.

Who is a blogger?

A blogger is one who has a blog of his own, regularly publishes posts in his blog, and manages his blog.

To become a good blogger, it is very important for you to have good knowledge of your field. Suppose you are making a blog on health, then it is very important for you to have good knowledge about health, only then you can become a successful blogger.

What is a blog post?

Whatever new information a blogger shares in his blog, he shares it through blog posts. Every single article on the blog is called a blog post.

Who is Blogging?

Blogging is the process of managing and updating your blog by a blogger.

How is blogging done?

Blogging is the process in which the blogger maintains his blog. To maintain their blog, bloggers publish posts in their blog according to a routine. They keep the design of their blog good, remove the problems in their blog.

Apart from all this, a lot more work has to be done in your blog (eg, doing SEO, bringing traffic, solving any technical problem, etc.) This whole process is called blogging. 

Now you must have understood a little bit how to do blogging.

Who is a Professional Blogger?

Most people choose doctor, teacher, engineer as a career. But in today's time, people also choose blogging as a career.

If you work hard in the field of blogging, then you can earn so much money in it, perhaps as much as you can not earn from a good job. There are many professional bloggers in India who earn lakhs of rupees a month through their blogs.

A professional blogger is one whose career is only of blogging, he earns his money through his blog.

How to become a successful blogger?

Creating a blog is very easy, but managing your blog is not a matter for everyone. There is a lot of name and money in this field of blogging but you have to work very hard behind it.

Most of the new bloggers start their own blog but they leave blogging after some time due to not having enough knowledge about the blog. If you are serious about blogging, then you have to learn blogging well for at least one year and give time to your blog.

Only then can you become a successful blogger. If you just want to start a blog for money, then it is possible that after some time you can leave the field of blogging due to not getting good results.

So if you want to become a successful blogger, then you have to always follow your passion and give good content to your readers, so that they will like to read your blog.

If you are serious about blogging after reading the above information and want to become a blogger, then reading the whole article will definitely help you a lot. And keep visiting our blog to learn to blog, here you will get a lot of information related to blogging.

How to Start a Blog

By now you must have learned a lot about blogs, now know how to start your blog. To start a blog, you need the following things.

First of all, choose a niche on which you will make your blog. Niche is a subject or category. Like Health, Tech, Fitness, etc. are all Niche.

Now you have to choose a platform to create a blog. You can be blogging on any one platform out of Blogger and WordPress.

If you want to create a blog without investing money, then you can start with Blogger. Here you will not have to invest any money in blogging. Yes, you can take a custom domain, which will create an identity for you.

If you have some money to invest then you can buy a domain and host and create a blog in WordPress. And you can start your blogging career.

After choosing the platform for blogging, you have to set up the blog properly. In Blogger.com, you can customize your blog by applying attractive themes. In WordPress, you get many themes, plugins, with the help of which you can give a professional look to your blog.

Before writing an article in the blog, do Keyword Research for your article.

After this publish the post in your blog and keep your blog updated regularly.

Do on-page SEO of the blog, do On-page SEO so that your blog will rank in the search engine.
Promote your blog by doing Off-Page SEO.

After following all this process, traffic will start coming to your blog and then start earning by monetizing your blog.

Type of Blog

By now you must have understood what is a blog and how to create a blog, now you know about the type of blog. Blogs can be of many types. Following are some of the main types of blogs that are created in the highest quantity –

Personal Blog

A personal blog is a blog, in which there is no single topic of Blogger. In this, bloggers share different types of information based on their interests. Like sometimes bloggers write poems, stories about their daily routine, etc. in their blog. The main purpose of this type of blog is not to earn money.

 Niche Blog

A low blog is a blog in which the blogger has a topic and regularly shares information on the same topic.

Suppose if a blog is related to a mobile then you will get only mobile information in the whole blog. Or if there is a blog related to health, then health information will be found in the entire blog. Bloggers working on niche blogs earn a lot from blogging.

Micro Niche Blog

In today's time, the micro lowly blog has emerged very fast. Well-known bloggers also like to work on micro low blogs. The micro low blog is the blog in which we work on the smallest category of a low.

Let's understand it through an example. Suppose you share information related to mobile in your blog. So the mobile has become your low, and if you write about the mobile of only one company like (Samsung, Oppo, Vivo, etc.) then it comes under micro low blog.

Group Blog

As is clear from the name, in this type of blog, two or more people together write and publish articles in the blog, then such blog is called group blog.

Corporate Blog

A corporate blog belongs to a company or organization, in which the company has its own information.

Vlog (Video Blog)

This is a video blog, bloggers publish video content in this type of blog. Like people make Vlogs on YouTube, Facebook, etc.

Platform of Blogging

There are many blogging platforms available in today's time. Know about some of the major blogging platforms –


Blogger.com is a world-famous blogging platform, in which you can create a blog for free. This is a product of Google. In this, you can create a blog with the help of your Gmail ID only.


To create a blog in WordPress, you have to buy hosting and domain. This is a very famous blogging platform. Most of the blogs in the world are built on WordPress.


Tumblr.com is also a blogging platform, in this also you can create a blog for free, it is in discussion nowadays.


You can also do blogging for free on Medium.com, it is not such a famous platform right now. Slowly it is coming into the discussion. Very few blogs have been made in this yet.


Joomla is a well-known platform for creating e-commerce websites (like Amazon, Flipkart, etc.).

Apart from all this, there are many other blogging platforms on which you can create your blog.

Difference between blog and website

Following are the differences between a blog and a website

1. A blog is only a website in which the posts are in Reverse Chronological order, which means first the new post will appear then the old one. While not all websites can be blogs.

2. Blogs are always dynamic and websites can be dynamic as well as static.

3. A blog must have both posts and pages, but a website can only have pages. 

4. A website can also have a single page, but a blog can sometimes have a single page. 

How to Earn Money from Blog

1. You can earn money from a blog in the following ways –

2. You can earn from the blog through Google AdSense.

3. You can earn money from blogs through Affiliate Marketing.

4. You can also earn money by giving backlinks to other blogs.

5. You can earn money by placing ads from other Ad Networks.

6. You can also earn money from your blog through sponsorship.

What Is A Blog Last Words

In today's article, we learned what is a blog, how to create a blog, and shared all the basic information related to blogging with you. I hope you must have got help from this post written by me. If you still have any questions then you can ask in the comment box.

In the end, I would request you do not to forget to share this article. Keep visiting our blog to read information related to blogging.

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