Why Links Are Important to SEO?

Links are an important part of SEO. Learn more about internal, external, and internal links and how they can benefit or harm your SEOIn the early days of SEO, and even before Google, web rankings were largely based on keyword usage within page content.

In addition to advanced search engine algorithms, keyword usage was an easy way to rate pages. The idea was simple: the more used a keyword in a webpage, the more likely it is that the page was actually talking about.

Why Links Are Important to SEO?
Why Links Are Important to SEO?

Unfortunately, the SEO professionals of the time took advantage of the opportunity and unnaturally used the keywords by excessively targeting keywords to elevate the ranks. This method today is known as keyword pushing.

This causes sites to list keywords even when the site does not have much to offer on the topic.

A new way of viewing and evaluating sites is what standards and what was not needed and should go beyond just content analysis.

Along with Came Google: Google Appearance and PageRank

Google started in 1996 with a partnership between its founders, Larry Page and Sergey Brin.

The first level search engine algorithm was based on the PageRank algorithm, which was developed and named Page while studying retrieval information at Stanford University.

The main idea was to use links between web pages as a feature element.

Feel free to learn all about the PageRank algorithm. All information is public, and the copyright of the PageRank is free of charge online.

It is a very technical document, and students may need more advanced programming and mathematical knowledge to understand it as a whole.

Instead of reading all the details of how Google analyzes and analyzes links, it may be very important to understand why this algorithm looks at even links in the first place.

Internal, Inbound, and Outbound Types of Links

A link or link is a click on a web page from one page to another. Links may appear as text, images, or buttons.

We may classify links based on the destination of a link, whether it leads users to another page on the same site or a different website.

Internal links are links between the inside pages of your website.

Search engines determine this by looking at the domain name; when links on a page link to other pages within the same domain, they are considered internal links.

If for some reason, your website is designed to have more than one domain, search engines will view this as an external link.

Incoming links are links from other websites or a different domain name.

Outgoing links are those links on your website that link to websites with a different domain name.

Incoming Link Focus: Natural Links From Advanced Pages For More SEO Benefits

Of the three types of links, inbound links are the most profitable for SEO, but also the most difficult to find.

Advanced Pages Like Friends You Go To For Advice: Reliable, Trustworthy, And Have Some Kind Of Authority

Any web page that links to another web page, the content creator who used the link did so for a reason.

Generally, they like the page they link to because it contains information that supports or builds on the information on the home page.

On the other hand, some authors link to pages for the opposite reason; they may link to a page they want to criticize or disagree with.

However, both of these links are good for the page they are linked to. Whether the content is popular or despised, triggers a strong reaction, which reflects quality content.

When the content of a page makes someone speak, it indicates authority, trust, and/or trust.

Thus, the links on the pages are like votes for loyalty, trustworthiness, and authority.

When a page gets more links, it gets more votes, which can improve its ranking.

However, the number of links a page receives is not all that important. Google also checks the quality of links.

Nobody Loves False Friends

Sometimes he points to fake people right away. Sometimes, it is not so easy.

The same goes for Google looking at web pages. Links that appear to be credible votes can be easily achieved using things like:

1. Forums online.

2. Blog comments.

3. Guest books

4. Wikis.

5. Communication profiles.

6. Copywriting.

7. Q&A sites.

8. Public bookmark.

These are called synthetic links.

In some cases, Google indicates that the links are false immediately, but not always. It can take Google a while to identify the action links.

These synthetic links have negative effects on pages.

The quality of these pages with activity links can be compromised by various aspects of link quality monitoring, as well as algorithm updates, or personal actions from Google.

To have good, natural links, a site needs reliable, trustworthy, and authoritative content.

This allows the pages to receive quality, natural links from other websites, which will help their quality.

Incoming Links Are Still Important Even After Google Penguin Updates

Over the past decade, Google has undergone a series of key algorithm updates. Google's Penguin update is now an integral part of the basic algorithm.

Penguin update allows Google to check the quality of links very effectively.

Shortly after this review, some SEO experts initially felt that links were no longer relevant; However, this is not the case.

Links are important to the level and still show the same values ​​as before.

Links serve as an indicator of page content quality as long as they are natural links.

Penguin update has made it easier for Google to identify activity links.

Links have always been important aspects of quality; however, ways to find links have emerged, especially after the arrival of the Penguin review.

Following Penguin's review, there is now a strong emphasis on natural links, making many SEOs in the industry more focused on content marketing.

Creating relevant content and promoting content around the world for the benefit of users who would naturally agree to share and promote promoted content.

Not Everyone Thinks Like SEO; Do Not Transfer Anchor Text

One of the most important features of internal links is considered by search engine anchor text search engines.

Anchor text is a click-through link or other image text in the image links.

Anchor text helps give search engines an idea of ​​a local page title.

Historically, this was a violation and a bomb blast of links, which is already using a straightforward clause that you want to standardize across all anchor text for incoming links from thousands of web pages, regardless of quality or page affiliation.

Many previous Google reviews have addressed this issue, including the Penguin review, in which anchored text based on keywords may appear to be unnatural and may adversely affect quality.

Since the review of Penguin, there has been a strong focus on having a natural anchored text on your incoming links.

Here are a few things to look for that may jeopardize your efforts to create a link:

  • Naturally, when people add a link to a page that goes to your website, usually the anchor text will be your brand or company name. Therefore, if your keyword-focused text becomes larger than your branded anchor text, this may cause problems. It is best to have an anchor text with additional branding.
  • Not everyone thinks the same way, and it is unlikely that most people will use exactly the same anchovies. If you continue to develop the same anchor text when you try to find links to other sites and it starts to become a lot of anchor text and is not your brand name, this is not natural at all. It is important to note some variations in the anchor text, even including general anchor text such as click here, visit here, website, etc.

Internal Link Focus: Distribute PageRank Properly To Your Entire Site

Inbound links are the most beneficial because PageRank is transferred from other sites to your site.

If you get too many links, you get extra PageRank.

As a series of links jumps from one page to another, PageRank flow becomes weaker and weaker.

In almost any website, the page with the most relevant links is the homepage of the site. Therefore, if the page within your site is too far from the homepage, PageRank will go down significantly before you reach the page.

This results in pages that are actually far away from the home page being misplaced. Since not all pages will find internal links, your internal links should serve two purposes:

  • Help users navigate to different pages of your site.
  • Help search engines crawl your entire site with as few hops as possible from page to page.

Here are some common places where you will find internal links:

  • General Site Navigation: Links that are usually in the top bar menu, the sidebar menu, and in the footer located on all pages. This is usually built on the structure of your site and how articles are categorized and categorized to create headings and subtitles from the general to specific pages.
  • Related Pages: The part of the page that identifies other pages related to the page title. This is useful for users because it helps to optimize pages that the user may be looking for.
  • User Sitemap: Sitemap is a single page that links to all other site pages. Based on usability studies, there are three types of site navigators: those who use regular site navigation, those who use the quick search box, and those who are directly on the site map. For larger sites, Sitemaps may be larger, and in cases such as these, the site map may contain component-specific properties and not all site pages.
  • Content Links: Within the content of a page, links can be added to in-paragraph words. This is rarely used by many websites, but in some cases, it can also be overused, which can have negative consequences for SEO. Just connect naturally, and have a user in mind when creating links like these.

Although we emphasize the use of internal links in the distribution of PageRank, always make sure users are the best.

Always design sites and think about internal user links first, then search engines a second time, and learn all the advanced processes of internal site navigation.

Output Link Focus: It Just Looks Natural

Over the years, SEO experts have come up with how to use outgoing links.

Some believe that the outgoing links took over PageRank, lowering its ranking power.

Over the years, this may be okay.

This is where words like “PageRank hoarding” and “PageRank channel” come from.

Any outgoing link was equivalent to a leak. But if the outgoing link was required for users, you can add a no-follow link attribute.

However, many SEO practitioners abused this until Google came up with a review in 2009 for PageRank evaporation. Create Table Of Content in WordPress

In short, the PageRank collection did not work as before. Many theories and approaches have emerged in the following areas, such as:

  • Don't have too many outbound links: In theory, all PageRank leak ideas still work to this day. However, every once in a while, you may find sites with tons of outbound links, and yet the page is still up to date. So the rule here is to just do what seems reasonable.
  • Do not always follow all outgoing links: Adding a rel = no-follow attribute to links in tags tells search engines not to give that link credit for rating purposes. It makes sense to add no-follow regularly to avoid PageRank leaks on other sites. However, overuse or overuse does not seem to be natural, and the intention seems to really wrap up PageRank.
  • Good quality sites tend to link to good quality sites: Providing links is just as important as finding links. Good quality sites maintain a quality level that makes them what they are, so if these sites are going to link to other sites, they can choose a good quality site, too. Since this is common behavior on good quality sites, you may also be able to duplicate those behaviors to help show signals on search engines that you are a good quality site as well.
For all three of these letters, the rules may seem contradictory.

No outgoing links keep PageRank, but no outlaws that appear to be obscure.

Adding no-follow should help maintain PageRank. However, if all links are no-follow, they appear to be unnatural.

Common sense has taught us that outgoing links are rewarding PageRank, and that is still true today, but it is recommended that you link to good-quality sites.

The guidelines here do not appear to be set in stone and are subject to circumstance, but the main law that is valid and applicable to all of the above rules is the natural evolution.

Connect to other sites if it is natural to do so.


However, like many other things in SEO, how well-done in the past is very different compared to how it is done today. We classify links as inbound links, outbound links, and internal links.

  1. Incoming links provide a much larger impact as they are credited with votes of loyalty, honesty, and authority that helps in the process, but it is important that these incoming links are natural links and come from high, related sites.
  2. Internal links help spread the PageRank from incoming links to other pages of the site to help improve the quality of many other pages. Additionally, internal links are not limited to search engines. Always give users first.
  3. Outgoing links should be used in a way that is naturally visible to the user. Linking to high-quality sites will help to identify these features and help link your site to high-quality sites.
  4. If there is one theme in all these types of links, it is a natural connection. If it looks bad to people, probably, it looks bad to search engines.
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