How to become a successful blogger in 2022?

It is very easy to become a blogger. All you need is to create a blog and publish content regularly. But, becoming a successful blogger is very difficult.

Blogging requires dedication, smart decisions, hard work, and research.

Many people start blogging to earn money but very few people get success.

Today in this article I will tell you how to become a successful blogger and earn money from it.

So let's start…

How to become a successful blogger (21 Tips)

A successful blogger means a successful blog. Here below are some important tips to get success in blogging.

How to become a successful blogger in 2022?

1. Publish at least two blog posts in a week

Visitors prefer blogs that publish regular content with new and unique ideas.

If you are a part-time blogger, try to publish at least 2 blog posts a week. But if you are a full-time blogger, then publish blog posts daily.

Google gives more priority to those blogs which publish posts regularly. It increases both your ranking and blog readership. So if you want loyal readers, then regularly post on your blog.

2. Write Lengthy Content

Brian Dean found in a research article with 1890 words or more words gets a good rank in Google. Larger content ranks better in search engines than smaller content. So always try to write detailed, high-quality, lengthy posts.

But keep one thing in mind, to increase the length of your content, do not write nonsense in it. Because visitors will not like to come back to your blog after reading your content.

3. Never Stop Learning

You don't know everything about your niche. As time passes, every industry changes and grows. That's why you should never stop learning.

In addition, you can read blogs in other niches so that you can learn something new. It helps you to get knowledge from other blogs.

4. Treat Your Blog Like a Business

You can see all the pro-bloggers, they consider their blog like business. This is the reason why he is such a successful blogger today.

If you are blogging for a hobby or fun, then you will never be successful in blogging. Because you will not take blogging seriously.

5. Collect Email for Newsletter

You can collect emails from visitors and after publishing a new post, send them a newsletter. This is the most effective strategy in blogging. It helps to make the visitor your blog reader.

So, use the opt-in form on your blog to collect email and ask visitors to subscribe to the blog.

6. Improve User Experience

If the user experience of your blog is poor, then visitors will not stay on your blog for a long time. So make sure users can navigate your blog easily.

Apart from this, make your blog mobile responsive. Because mobile search has completely dominated desktop search.  

To check whether your blog is mobile-friendly or not, you can use the Mobile Testing Tool developed by Google. If your blog is not mobile-friendly, then you need to install a responsive WordPress theme on your blog.

7. Solve Your Readers' Problem

Trust me, it is very effective. Those bloggers who solve the problem of visitors get success very soon.

Let's say, you go to a blog or a YouTube channel and ask for help with a problem, but they don't answer you! So you will revisit their blog or channel?

Your answer would be - no!

If you want to become a successful blogger, then answer the comments of the visitors and solve their problems.

Also, if you get a lot of comments on your post, Google will consider your post helpful and rank better in search results.

But avoid spam comments, it is specially used to get backlinks. If someone submits spam comments to your posts, delete them. Otherwise, they can hurt your ranking.

8. Choose the Right Blogging Platform

If you want to be a successful blogger, choosing the right blogging platform is very important. There are many paid and free blogging platforms available.

I would recommend you to start a blog from but don't choose It is completely different from

To start a blog on, you will need a domain name and web hosting.

9. Buy Good Web Hosting

Wrong hosting can ruin your blogging career. The biggest reason is, your blog will be in downtime most of the time and will load very slowly.

Therefore, always buy hosting from a trusted hosting company. There are many web hosting companies in the market that promise to be the best, but after buying hosting from them, you will feel that they have cheated on you.

10. Fix Your Blog's Loading Speed

Do you know loading speed can hinder your success?

Yes! You heard it right Slow loading can ruin any blog!

If your blog loads very slowly, then your blog will not rank well in the SERPs. Because Speed ​​is a very important Google ranking factor. Also, visitors do not like to visit slow-loading websites or blogs.

Therefore, loading speed is very important for the success of your blog.

1. Optimize your image size

2. Keep only useful plugins

3. Delete unwanted media

4. Minify CSS and JS Files

5. Use a good Cache plugin

6. Minimize Redirects

7. Use a Lightweight theme.

8. Use CDN.

9. Use a good web host.

11. Learn SEO

SEO means - Search Engine Optimization. It helps you to get the No.1 rank in Google search. But SEO does not give instant results, for this, you have to be patient.

There are two types of SEO,

On-Page SEO – Optimizing content quality, keywords, titles, tags, etc. to get a better rank in search engines is called On-Page SEO.

Off-page SEO – The link-building and promotion process is called Off-page SEO.

Quick Tips about On-Page SEO:

1. Focus on Content Quality

2. Optimize Your Title

3. Try to write lengthy content

4. Create SEO Friendly URLs for Your Blog Posts

5. Do Keyword Research before writing a post

6. Use Long Tail Keywords for Your Article

7. Optimize Your Images

8. Avoid Keyword Stuffing

9. Make your site mobile friendly

10. Add Your Focus Keyword to the First 100 Words (First Paragraph)

11. Improve your site's loading speed

12. Optimize Meta Descriptions

13. Use Proper Heading Tags

14. Write Fresh and New Posts Regularly

15. Fix Broken Links in Your Content

16. Do Internal Linking

17. Use Related Keywords in Content

18. Use Nofollow Tag for Affiliate Links and Untrusted Links

19. Use Outbound Links

20. Use Social Sharing Buttons

21. Use Modifiers Word-like “2019”, “best”, “guide”, “checklist”, “fast” in your title

22. Use images and videos in your posts

23. Keep your blog clean and simple

Some Working Tips on Off-Page SEO:

1. Build links through Guest Posting and Email Outreach.

2. Submit your articles in high-quality directories.

3. Improve social media signals.

4. Join the question-answer site.

5. Comment on popular website or blog but comment link should be dofollow.

12. Use High-Quality Images in Content

An image is equal to a thousand words. But the image should be high-quality and related to your content. This makes your content more engaging and engaging.

Also, use the correct name and alt tag for your images, it helps you to get a better rank in image search.

But keep one thing in mind, you cannot use Google Images. They may be copyright protected. You can download images for your blog from free stock image sites like FreeDigitalPhotos, MorgueFile, Pixabay, Pexels.

13. Use Contact Forms on Your Blog

Use Contact Forms on your blog so that users can contact you easily. For this, you create a Contact us page on your blog.

There are many contact form plugins available for WordPress. But I would recommend you to use WPForms or Contact Form 7.

14. Do Keyword Research

Keyword research is the most important part of SEO.

If you regularly publish unique and useful articles on your blog but do not do keyword research, then your blog will not be able to rank in the SERPs. And you will never be able to get success in blogging.

There are many tools and websites that can help you find good keywords. Here is a guide – Keyword research in Hindi.

15. Invest Money

Spend some money on your blog promotion. Almost newbie and average bloggers do not like to invest money in their blogs. They look for free ways to promote their blog.

To become a successful blogger, treat your blog like a business and spend money for promotion. It helps a lot in increasing your blog awareness.

16. Improve Your Writing Skills

Writing skills is the best weapon to become a successful blogger.

If your writing skill is very good, then you can easily become a successful blogger. However, I am not talking about writing like an expert.

Also, pay attention to spelling. It improves the quality of your content.

17. Target the Right Visitors

If you get the wrong visitors, you can never be successful in blogging. Because they will come to your blog and exit without reading the content. As a result, your bounce rate will increase.

Many people believe that the bounce rate is a Google ranking factor. It tells Google about the quality and user engagement of your site.

Therefore, targeting the right visitors is very important.

18. Promote Your Content on Social Media Sites

Today every user is connected with social media sites and spends their valuable time on them. So after publishing your post, share it on popular social media sites like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest, etc. These platforms can help you get traffic to your blog.

19. Build High-Quality Backlinks

Backlinks can make a huge difference in the ranking of your site. It helps in increasing the domain authority, traffic, and ranking of your site. But your backlinks should be of high quality.

Bad/spammy/buying/low-quality backlinks can greatly damage your website's ranking.

100 high-quality backlinks is equal to one thousand low-quality backlinks.

20. Quality of Content

There is a saying – CONTENT IS KING

This is the most important step to becoming a successful blogger. If your content is not engaging and useful and is not able to solve the problem of visitors, they will never come back to your blog again.

Google gives more priority to quality content and ranks well in search results. However, when Google ranks content, it uses a variety of ranking factors. But the quality of the content is still very important.

Always publish quality and informative content on your blog.

21. Make Blogging Your Passion

This is the last tip but one of the most important. Without passion, you cannot become a successful blogger.

Many blogs get parked after a year and many bloggers do not renew their blog? Answer – Due to lack of passion and motivation.

If you consider blogging as a passion, then you can become a successful blogger.

22. Build your own team

If you want to master blogging, then you have to work as a team. You must have seen many sites, which have many writers and how much those sites are updated.

Using this strategy, you can do a lot in less time. Make the team with Expert and Professional.

Last Words On How to become a successful blogger in 2022?

Blogging is one of the best ways to earn online. But very few bloggers get success. Blogging requires hard work, research, smart strategies, and patience.

By following the strategy listed in this article, you can be successful in blogging in 2022 and become a successful blogger.

But keep one thing in mind, the quality of the content is very important. If you use all these techniques but do not pay attention to the quality of the content, then all your efforts are in vain. Your content will not rank in Google search results.

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